
This used to be a list of case studies dated from 2012–2017i. I took them down because I want to re-work them to reflect my current intent. I find myself recounting the things I learned on those projects more than the work itself.

I am changing them to tell that story instead. Hopefully the result of my reflection can serve as a resource. Maybe I'll end up keeping both versions? We'll see.

In the meantime, I'm finding blog postsii easier to write. These posts will be focused on learnings from professional work – both organizational and tactical. I think they carry the spirit of the new case studies, so hopefully they act as an appetizer for the content you were seeking.

  1. There is a good chance that you came here because Brian Lovin thinks my old case studies are good. He rules, I really appreciate him and his contributions to the design community at large
  2. This site is just some static HTML right now. I'll try to improve it, I promise